Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Parker has soul

Parker is such a gentle guy. His petfinder link is here, and he really needs a foster home or rescue soon. He has been at the shelter for a long time. He's just another white American bulldog mix, a dime a dozen around here. He has it in him to be someone's dog of a lifetime.


  1. Beth points out that Parker would make an excellent running buddy! He always wants to be doing something fun whether it be splashing in the kiddie pool, fetching, or just being a goofball.

  2. Forgot to mention that while Parker is a happy, active guy, he also sits so nice and pretty in his kennel at the shelter. He's actually relatively quiet and patient in there. Also, what you can't see in the picture is Parker's cute ears! He has black "freckles" on the tops of his ears. It's super adorable because he is mostly white everywhere else. Check out his video to see those ears!

  3. Too many Parker upates? nah! I saw him yesterday and he was so unbelievably happy to have some time to romp around outside of his kennel. He sat nicely for me when I asked him to and he got several treats as a reward. Although he wanted even more! He knew where the treats were hiding and kept asking for more. :) As I was about to leave both Parker and Emily (another dog featured on this blog who just so happens to be Parker's kennel neighbor) sat like perfect little angels in their kennels and followed me walking by with their sweet little eyes. They didn't want their one-on-one time to be up for the day so they gave me sad puppy dog eyes, which gets me every single time. I could almost hear them thinking “hey lady, take us home. You know we’re good dogs." Yes, I do know, but many others don’t. I threw them another treat through the kennel gate as I left and said goodbye for the day. They deserve more than a few minutes a day of one-on-one attention. Sadly, some days they don't even get that, so please if you can adopt, meet these shelter dogs. They need you.
